The Augustinian Lay Forum
The Augustinian Lay Forum are lay men and women who share in a very close reality the Augustinian way of life, being of one mind and one heart, intent upon God. While living and working within the community, Augustinian Lay Forum Members live their faith, hope and love through community, following Christ’s life through Augustinian spirituality.
The Lay Forum members come together a couple of times a year to consider the future of Faith in Ireland.
We ask hard questions in a Faith context such as:
- What are you seeking by coming here today?
- Where do you experience God in your life?
- Can you shape your dream of Faith in the future for us?
For those who journey with the Lay Forum, we, the Augustinian Friars, share an understanding of our ethos, pastoral works and services. Our hope is to build an image of what Faith will look like in the future so that everyone can find God.
Be The Light
Augustinian Province of Ireland
16 Zion Road
Dublin 6
email: info@augustinians.ie
Tel: 01 4851516